Privacy Policy

We value our customers and website visitors privacy. Therefore down below we disclose what type of information, how we collected and handle them and what we do with this information. 


What type of data 

      • We collect personal data such as name, phone, email, company name, address when you submit the form in the "Contact Us" page, or through the instant messaging pop-up integrated into this Website. 
      • We may collect other types of information when you provide information about your business activity, responding to survey and polls or when communicating with our staff. 
      • When you are accessing our website, we also collect demographic information such as country of origin, device hardware, browser type, operating system, keyboard language and more. 

How We collect your personal and demographic data

      • We collect data in a variety of ways such as through phone calls, meetings, website form and instant messaging tool and web conferencing platform.
      • Demographic information is captured through our website cookies.  

How We handle this information.

      • The personal information you provide to us through email, phone or through our website form or instant messaging tool is safely stored on our domain provider servers. This information might be shared with our domain provider GoDaddy LLC which provides the services to manage this website and email accounts to us. 

What We do with your information  

      • We may use your personal data help us to contact you and to provide further details on the services requested
      • We may the information you provide to us to improve our products and services and to better tailor those to your needs.
      • Demographic information is for analytics and marketing purpose. Those services are provided by GoDaddy LLC and Google Analytics.